If you are on a ketogenic diet then it is likely that you have made some ketogenic diet mistakes that could be preventing you from reaching your goals. Even if you are following a traditional low-carb diet (such as Atkins) ketones can still be a problem. In this article I will cover one of these common mistakes that I have seen. Hopefully by the time you finish reading this, you will be more aware of how to avoid it. In addition, you will know why it is important to replenish electrolytes on a daily basis when you are cutting carbs.
One of the biggest, ketogenic diet mistakes that people make is not replenish electrolytes quickly enough. When you eliminate carbohydrates in your diet, your body initially stops holding on to vital electrolytes and instead flushes them away, and also the water that very high carb diets cause you to retain. Among the ketone producing chemicals in your body are Glucose, which is used for energy production and is found in breads and rice. Another chemical found in our bodies is Glycine, which is used to break down proteins.
In order to prevent ketogenic diet mistakes like the ones above, you need to keep a constant flow of fresh carbs and electrolyte-rich foods such as water. The key is to eat frequently but not too often. This keeps your metabolism moving high enough so that it does not slow down and starve your body of the fuel that it needs to maintain its optimal rate of burning fat. As you get into a routine eating larger meals more often, you will start to notice an increase in energy instead of a decreased need for energy.
Another one of the biggest, ketogenic diet mistakes that people make is skipping breakfast. You may be surprised to learn that most people who have failed in their attempts to lose weight do not eat a good breakfast. If you skip your morning meal you are setting yourself up for failure and you could end up packing on even more pounds than you had to begin with. Even though the early bird catches the worm, it doesn’t mean that you have to continue to eat at a relatively late hour.
You also need to realize that weight loss isn’t something that happens overnight. Your body goes through a process that actually takes several months to see any substantial results from. One of these months can be much slower than the next when you have so many ketogenic diet mistakes to blame. If you have been dreaming of losing weight and have been taking the right supplements, you still may not see results. Losing weight takes consistent action and most people who go on ketogenic diets only see minor changes in their body weight.
One of the other ketogenic diet mistakes that people make is that they often skip breakfast and eat large amounts of food during the day. The biggest reason that this occurs is because their bodies get used to their previous eating habits and slow down to compensate. When your blood sugar dips it causes your brain to think that you’re not getting enough glucose which causes you to want to eat more food. However, by eating too much food at this stage your body is still not replenished and your brain gets stuck in a vicious cycle of starvation and insufficient glucose.
Another one of the biggest mistakes people make is that they skip meals and then they don’t know what to do for breakfast. If you do this, you will find that after your first couple of meals you don’t feel very well. It’s usually at this point that you begin to snack throughout the day and you won’t get any nutrition from your snacks. It’s best to follow a meal plan like the Paleolithic diet or the South Beach Diet and include plenty of breakfast.
Lastly, one of the biggest, ketogenic diet mistakes that people make is that they aren’t consuming enough water. It’s been found that people who are dehydrated are more prone to being hungry. They also have less energy and feel tired all the time. In order to have optimum health, you need to be properly hydrated. You should drink between eight and ten glasses of water every day. You should also ensure that you are consuming the proper foods so that you are getting the proper amount of electrolytes in your body such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.