A popular low carb diet has recently gained in popularity and among many dieters has been the No-Carb Diet. This type of diet is based around the idea that the consumption of carbohydrates affects blood sugar levels, which in turn effect weight loss. In a nutshell, it advocates eating healthy carbs (i.e. foods with carbs) in moderation while limiting your consumption of “bad” carbohydrates, which includes refined grains and white flour. Many people find this diet works well for them when they are struggling with either weight loss or depression.
Low-carb diets limit carbohydrate intake relative to the recommended average diet. Foods high in unrefined carbs are restricted, and substituted with healthier plant-based foods containing high amounts of fiber, protein and healthy fats. While this type of diet may appeal to those trying to lose weight, it can be difficult for many people to make the transition from eating high-glycemic carbohydrates to eating a more natural, plant-based diet.
The “No-Carb Diet” was created by Dr. Michael Allen and Mark Sisson. They developed a book and DVD set called the “The No-Carb Diet Solution”. The name “No-Carb” comes from the word “ketosis”, which occurs when your body runs out of fuel, or call. When you run out of carb, ketones are produced by the liver. These ketones are what create a sense of hunger and cravings, thus leading one to believe that they are “out of cars” and therefore need to eat more foods that have carbohydrates.
Many people have found success using the “No-Carb Diet Solution”. However, the book and DVD set makes it difficult for someone who wants to follow this kind of diet to do so without changing their lifestyle. For example, it would be difficult to go from eating five hamburgers every day to only two. It would also be hard to go from drinking a glass of red wine with your dinner to having red wine with your dinner!
The “No-Carb Diet Solution” and similar low carb diets make the claim that you can eat as much protein and fat as you want. This is a complete misunderstanding of how carbohydrates affect your diet. Your diet cannot be any more unhealthy than it is now! By definition, carbohydrates are made up of a compound of sugars and starches. The book, The “No-Carb Diet Solution”, makes this claim in its advertisement:
This is simply not true. You cannot eat as many carbohydrates as you would like while following a low-carb or zero-carb diet plan. In fact, the diet itself is extremely unhealthy by any standard!
Why do people think these diets work? Most people think low-carb or zero carb diets work because they restrict the amount of carbohydrates you are allowed. This may prevent you from getting hungry, but it will also cause your body to begin to store more carbohydrates as fat! The most nutritious way to lose weight is through eating real, whole foods.
You should never feel guilty about eating real, natural, whole foods like vegetables, fruits, fish, meats, poultry, eggs, etc. Even if you’re not going on a “No-Carb Diet Solution” you should still be eating high quality protein, like lean meat, chicken, fish, etc., as part of your meals. This will ensure that you get a great supply of essential nutrients, which will help repair damaged muscle tissue. High protein consumption is absolutely essential for muscle growth and repair! Don’t limit yourself simply because you’re following a diet.
If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to make sure that you’re actually eating the right kinds of foods. These diets require you to eliminate carbs from your diet! Not only will this cause you to feel miserable and lose motivation to continue, it can have very negative health consequences. There are many healthy, delicious alternatives to “No-Carb” foods, and I would encourage you to learn about them and use them instead of shutting yourself off from the world.
Instead of following a “No-Carb” diet, why not try the low-carb diet? Low-carb diets allow you to eat foods that contain up to 20% of the calories that you take in each day! Some of the most popular low-carb diet foods include: beans, cashews, coconut, cucumbers, lettuce, oranges, peaches, watermelon, strawberries, and more! You can even eat these foods as salad dressings or sliced raw on your dinner plate! The list of healthy, delicious foods that you can enjoy is virtually endless!
By eliminating all of the “no-carb” foods from your diet, you will be able to enjoy many of the same benefits that you would normally enjoy as well. You’ll get the energy that you need to function properly, as well as the nutrients that your body needs. As long as you make a few changes, like adding in low-carb recipes and making sure to eat healthy, you can get the weight loss results that you’re looking for! And once you’ve lost weight with the low-carb diet, you can enjoy the benefits of having more energy, more stamina, and a stronger immune system. That’s something that I know you’ll love!