Headache is a common medical condition that occurs due to the increase of pressure on the nerves of our brain and spinal cord. Narrowly defined, headache is often pain in either the head or face, sometimes includes pain behind the ears, bones, skin and structures near the eyes, ear, teeth and tongue. Headache is frequently associated with a change of weather, certain diseases and emotional stress. In addition, certain drugs, alcohol and poor eating habits may cause headache. In rare cases, a headache may be caused by a tumor or abscess. The exact cause of headache is not known, but it is believed to result from inflammation of the brain or spinal cord, increased blood flow to the brain, changes in neurotransmitters, allergic reaction to drugs, and infections.
Headaches occur in two types: primary and secondary. Primary headaches are often accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, malaise, urinary retention, tenderness or pain around the ear, or feelings of numbness. Headache usually starts in the middle of the forehead, then radiates to the cheekbones, temples, and back of the head. Frequent throbbing pain is one of the main indicators for headache. The headache usually lasts for more than 10 days.
If you have any of the following symptoms, you may have a primary headache. You need to take care to get enough sleep and drink plenty of fluids to reduce the severity of your headache. This may relieve the pain and reduce the frequency or duration of your headache. You should avoid activities that may worsen your symptoms such as lifting heavy objects, twisting or moving your head while you are sleeping. If you do get enough sleep, your body will be able to naturally reduce the tension in your muscles.
Headache symptoms can be relieved by reducing stress and relaxing. Stress causes a narrowing of the blood vessels, thus resulting in pain and increased tension. To get relief from your headache, try to identify the source of your symptoms and deal with it immediately. Try meditation or relaxation techniques to decrease the tension in your muscles and increase the blood flow to your brain. If you are suffering from sinus problems, then you can apply ice to the affected area and let it stay on for at least 20 minutes before taking a bath or any other activities that relaxes your mind.
Secondary headache symptoms include toothache or tooth sensitivity. These symptoms can also be caused by underlying diseases and can worsen or become more serious if not treated properly. If you feel that your toothache or tooth sensitivity is getting worse, see your doctor. You may be suffering from toothache because of an abscess. If your doctor orders an X-ray of your teeth, you may find out whether there is a cyst present or not.
Severe headache symptoms can be a sign of a brain tumor or other serious problems. If you have severe headaches, then you should contact your doctor immediately. Also, if your headaches are accompanied by dizziness or nausea, then you must see your doctor right away. Some other symptoms that are often confused with migraine headaches are fever, tiredness and/or lack of concentration, facial swelling, numbness or tingling in the facial area, and head pressure. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, make sure to contact your doctor immediately.
Dealing with severe headache symptoms requires immediate medical care. If your symptoms are not relieved by anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, or painkillers, then you need to see a doctor immediately. A thorough medical examination will help determine the nature of your neurological symptoms. Your doctor may ask you to undergo laboratory tests like urinalysis or MRI to determine the exact cause of your headache symptoms.
Headache happens when the brain sends wrong signals to the spinal cord. The nerves get a signal that something is not correct with the spinal cord, which causes a miscommunication between the brain and spinal cord. As a result, your brain starts sending improper signals to the nerves, which results in pain and other symptoms. If you want to prevent headache pain, ensure that your brain and spinal cord receive proper communication and do not misfire due to other factors like environmental issues and other health problems.