Vaginal infections are caused due to the pH imbalance of the vagina. This imbalance of the vaginal secretions triggers bacterial infection and this infection result in a variety of symptoms. Vaginal infections can occur from the yeast candida, which is present in the vagina. Yeast candida needs sugar to survive therefore, if the pH balance of the vagina becomes normal, yeast candida will die a natural death.
Other symptoms include rashes and painful urination. When yeast infection strikes the urinary track it produces symptoms like pain and burning while urinating. If the vaginal candidiasis is not treated in time the symptoms will worsen and become very serious. There are many remedies for vaginal infections. These remedies have helped women get rid of the symptoms.
The most common remedy for vaginitis is using natural cures. Natural cures for vaginal infections do not have any side effects. The first natural cure for vaginitis is yogurt. Yogurt contains lactobacilli acidophilus, which is an organism that fights of bacterial vaginitis. Women who had tried using yogurt on their own without success found relief after applying it on the affected area.
Another remedy for vaginal infections is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties and is useful in killing off the microorganism causing the symptoms. It can also provide relief from the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. Other remedies for vaginal infections are cranberry juice, yogurt and garlic.
Women having vaginal candidiasis should abstain from having sexual intercourse until their symptoms subside. Men should not give their women oral sex unless they are sure that the woman is suffering from vaginal candidiasis. When you engage in sexual activity, you transfer the infection from the penis to the vagina. Thus during intercourse, the man would be passing the infection back and forth to the woman. This causes a lot of discomfort and may make the woman’s vaginal discharge more slippery.
Vaginal discharge is normally white or a light yellow in color and thick. The color of the vaginal discharge does not necessarily indicate the presence of infection. It is usually normal to have a slight odor inside the vagina but if the discharge becomes thin and whitish in color, then there is a high possibility that the woman has trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis is the most common cause of bacterial vaginosis.
Vaginal infections are usually preceded by a foul vaginal discharge. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, the symptoms do not even occur until after the third week of pregnancy. For those women who experience symptoms within three weeks of pregnancy, the pregnancy can be considered as an indicator that trichomoniasis was present. Since these symptoms may vary from one woman to another, it is best to consult a doctor so that tests can be done to confirm whether you really have a yeast infection or not.
Although there are many different types of symptoms for candida yeast infection, the most common symptoms are vaginal discharge and itchiness. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to see your gynecologist immediately for diagnosis and treatment. These symptoms can also indicate other infection, so it is important to get a correct diagnosis from a doctor.
A yeast infection can cause a number of complications if left untreated. For one, women can experience severe discomfort. Since the fungus responsible for vaginal candidiasis feeds on sugar, excess intake of sugary foods can aggravate the infection. When under a lot of stress, Candida fungus can weaken the immune system of the body, causing the body to become susceptible to other infections. Women with diabetes are also more prone to this infection because their vaginal secretions contain excessive amounts of glucose.
While the exact cause of candidiasis is unknown, certain factors have been associated with the development of infections. Pregnant women are very prone to this infection because they are in the process of lactating; the concentration of progesterone during this stage can cause imbalance in the acid/alkaline levels of the vagina. Stress and poor diet are also associated with the infection.
Regardless of what the cause of vaginal candidiasis is, treating it effectively can help you avoid suffering from more complications. The treatment includes proper hygiene, which means that you should not apply any kind of perfumes or deodorants, stay away from scented products and stay away from tampons and pantyliners that have perfume or fragrance. Instead, you should wash your private part using warm water and soap. It is also important to dry the infected area with a clean piece of cloth before applying any topical creams or antibiotics.